Renatus Harris

Renatus Harris
Born ca. 1652
Died August / September 1724
Nationality British
Children Renatus Harris III, another son
Parents Thomas Harris
Engineering discipline Organ making

Renatus Harris (ca. 1652 - 1724) was a master organ maker in England in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.

During the period of the Commonwealth, in the mid seventeenth century, Puritans controlled the country and organ music was banned in churches. Many organ makers left England for the continent, including Harris's father, Thomas. It was while the family was living in France that Harris was born. After the Restoration the family returned to England.

Harris grew up in his father's business and eventually became one of the two most prominent organ builders of his generation, along with his hated rival "Father" Bernard Smith. Harris had a flair for publicity and was not above using under-hand tactics against Smith. Harris's grandfather Renatus was also an organ maker, as were Renatus Harris's two sons (one also called Renatus).

He died at Salisbury in August or September, 1724.[1]

Organs of the Temple Church and Christ Church, Dublin

The rivalry between the two men led to the famous Battle of the Organs in 1684, when both were bidding for the contract to build the new organ for the Temple Church, London. Each erected an organ in the Temple Church and they hired prominent organists Giovanni Battista Draghi, John Blow and Henry Purcell to demonstrate the superiority of their instruments. Harris lost out to Smith, but in 1697, after Smith reneged on a contract for a new organ at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, Harris appositely installed the instrument which had lost there instead. Harris's organ, which was installed and maintained by John Baptist Cuvillie, and later Philip Hollister, was replaced by an organ by John Byfield in 1752. However, the Harris-Cuvillie organ which survived the 'Battle of the Organs' today survives in St John's Church, Wolverhampton.

Extant Harris organs

The most complete surviving organ by Harris is that of St Botolph's Aldgate, built in 1702 - 1704, which is also regarded as the oldest church organ in the United Kingdom.[2] It was restored in 2005 - 2006 by Martin Goetze and Dominic Gwynn, and features in the documentary The Elusive English Organ. Among Harris' surviving or partially surviving organs are those of Bristol Cathedral (1685), St Bride's, Fleet Street (1694), All Hallows Twickenham (1700), and St Peter Mancroft, Norwich (1707) The Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors' Hall, City of London (1722) (Restored by Mander Organs in 1966). A Harris organ at Christ Church Greyfriars, also known as Christ Church Newgate, in London was destroyed along with the church during the Blitz in December 1940. The organ of St Michael Cornhill contains nine ranks from the Harris instrument of 1684.


  1. ^ Scholes, Percy A. (1970) The Oxford Companion to Music, 10th ed. London: Oxford U. P.; p. 460a
  2. ^ [1]